Address of Editorial Board
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Address of the editorial board:
29013 Khmelnytskyi, Proskurivskoho Pidpillia Str., 139,
Khmelnytskyi Humanitarian-Pedagogical Academy, scientific department.
tel. (0382) 79-59-45
Executive editor: Kryshchuk Valentyna – +38(098) 870 81 34
e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
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We invite you to participate in publishing the collection of scientific works “Philological Discourse”.
In “Philological Discourse” original (never and nowhere published before) the articles on the topical problems of literary criticism (Ukrainian literature, Russian literature, literature of Slavic nations, literature of foreign countries, comparative literary criticism, theory of literature, study of folklore, journalism, literary source studies and text studies) and linguistics (Ukrainian language, Russian language, Slavic languages, Germanic languages, Romanic languages, classical languages, Indo-European languages, general linguistics, translation studies, comparative-historical and typological linguistics) etc. are published. The article should reveal definite problem in the sphere, to which this article dedicated, and have scientific novelty and value (theoretical and (or) practical).
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Editor in chief: Matsko V.P., doctor of philology, professor, professor of the department of Ukrainian and literature of Khmelnytskyi Humanitarian-Pedagogical Academy.
Deputy editor in chief: Tarnashynska L.B., doctor of philology, senior research associate, senior research associate of the department of Ukrainian literature of the XX century of Shevchenko Institute of Literature of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine.
Executive editor: Kryshchuk V.L., teacher of the department of Ukrainian and literature of Khmelnytskyi Humanitarian-Pedagogical Academy.
Field of literary criticism:
Babotova Liubytsia, doctor of pholosophy, assistant professor (Prešov, Slovak Republic);
Bernadska N.I., doctor of philology, professor;
Huliak A.B., doctor of philology, professor;
Dorosh H.O., candidate of philology, assistant professor;
Kiral S.S., doctor of philology, professor;
Zhulynskyi M.H., academician of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, doctor of philology, professor;
Kredausova Yarmila, candidate of philological sciences, assistant professor, head of the department of Ukrainian studies of University of Prešov (Prešov, Slovak Republic);
Makhovska S.V., candidate of philology, assistant professor;
Meizerska T.S., doctor of philology, professor;
Mushynka M.I., doctor of philology, professor, academician of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine (Prešov, Slovak Republic);
Peleshenko Yu.V., doctor of philology, senior research associate;
Piroshenko S.Yu., candidate of philology, assistant professor;
Poplavska N.M., doctor of philology, professor;
Rusnak I.Ye., doctor of philology, professor;
Slonievska I.B., candidate of philosophy, assistant professor;
Tkachuk M.P., doctor of philology, professor.
Field of linguistics:
Boiko N.I., doctor of philology, professor;
Bialyk V.D., doctor of philology, professor;
Chizhmarova Mariia, doctor of philosophy, professor, director of Institute of Ukrainian and East-European studies of University of Prešov (Prešov, Slovak Republic);
Vilchynska T.P., doctor of philology, professor;
Halus O.M., doctor of pedagogics, professor;
Kushneryk V.I., doctor of philology, professor;
Marchuk L.M., doctor of philology, professor;
Melnyk R.M., candidate of philology, assistant professor;
Perelomova O.S., doctor of philology, professor;
Rusnak I.S., doctor of pedagogics, professor;
Tkachuk H.O., candidate of pedagogical sciences, assistant professor;
Torchynskyi M.M., doctor of philology, professor;
Filiniuk V.A., candidate of philology, assistant professor;
Khrystianinova R.O., doctor of philology, professor;
Shorobura I.M., doctor of pedagogics, professor.
One of the important courses of scientific activity of Khmelnytskyi Humanitarian-Pedagogical Academy is publishing collection of scientific works “Philological Discourse”, which was initiated in 2015, and which is published together with the Shevchenko Institute of Literature of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
The collection is registered in the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine (certificate of state registration of printed means of mass media (Series КВ №21166-10966 Р of 28.01.2015)
International standard serial number ISSN 2411-4166 (Print). was conferred to the collection of research papers «Philological Discourse»
Collection of research papers «Philological Discourse» contains the articles on the topical problems of literary criticism (Ukrainian literature, Russian literature, literature of Slavic nations, literature of foreign countries, comparative literary criticism, theory of literature, study of folklore, journalism, literary source studies and text studies) and linguistics (Ukrainian language, Russian language, Slavic languages, Germanic languages, Romanic languages, classical languages, Indo-European languages, general linguistics, translation studies, comparative-historical and typological linguistics) etc.