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Editor in chief: Matsko V.P., doctor of philology, professor, professor of the department of Ukrainian and literature of Khmelnytskyi Humanitarian-Pedagogical Academy.

Deputy editor in chief: Tarnashynska L.B., doctor of philology, senior research associate, senior research associate of the department of Ukrainian literature of the XX century of Shevchenko Institute of Literature of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine.

Executive editor: Kryshchuk V.L., teacher of the department of Ukrainian and literature of Khmelnytskyi Humanitarian-Pedagogical Academy.



Field of literary criticism:

Babotova Liubytsia, doctor of pholosophy, assistant professor (Prešov, Slovak Republic);

Bernadska N.I., doctor of philology, professor;

Huliak A.B., doctor of philology, professor;

Dorosh H.O., candidate of philology, assistant professor;

Kiral S.S., doctor of philology, professor;

Zhulynskyi M.H., academician of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, doctor of philology, professor;

Kredausova Yarmila, candidate of philological sciences, assistant professor, head of the department of Ukrainian studies of University of Prešov (Prešov, Slovak Republic);

Makhovska S.V., candidate of philology, assistant professor;

Meizerska T.S., doctor of philology, professor;

Mushynka M.I., doctor of philology, professor, academician of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine (Prešov, Slovak Republic);

Peleshenko Yu.V., doctor of philology, senior research associate;

Piroshenko S.Yu., candidate of philology, assistant professor;

Poplavska N.M., doctor of philology, professor;

Rusnak I.Ye., doctor of philology, professor;

Slonievska I.B., candidate of philosophy, assistant professor;

Tkachuk M.P., doctor of philology, professor.

Field of linguistics:

Boiko N.I., doctor of philology, professor;

Bialyk V.D., doctor of philology, professor;

Chizhmarova Mariia, doctor of philosophy, professor, director of Institute of Ukrainian and East-European studies of University of Prešov (Prešov, Slovak Republic);

Vilchynska T.P., doctor of philology, professor;

Halus O.M., doctor of pedagogics, professor;

Kushneryk V.I., doctor of philology, professor;

Marchuk L.M., doctor of philology, professor;

Melnyk R.M., candidate of philology, assistant professor;

Perelomova O.S., doctor of philology, professor;

Rusnak I.S., doctor of pedagogics, professor;

Tkachuk H.O., candidate of pedagogical sciences, assistant professor;

Torchynskyi M.M., doctor of philology, professor;

Filiniuk V.A., candidate of philology, assistant professor; 

Khrystianinova R.O., doctor of philology, professor;

Shorobura of pedagogics, professor.